MasterPeace Club Bosnia and Herzegovina organized event at occasion of celebrating International Women´s Day in Mostar. The event had concept of Human Library.  Few exceptional women who are attempting to help and develop local community were invited.  There were willing to share their experience and stories with visitors.

The event lasted almost two hours. We started event with small introduction of club as well participants had a chance to introduce themselves. Moreover, program included performance of 4 UWC students who were singing songs and recital the poem.

All together we invited 6 “Human Books” which 5 of them were participated. We had prepared for our visitors small gifts- paper boxes filled with interesting quotes about women and small biography about inspirational ones. Info brochures were spread during event to provide visitors with some information about background of International Women´s Day as such. Also, visitors had a chance to write some message or feedback in our guest book.

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