Trening kurs “Increasing quality of inclusion and employability international youth projects“ će se održati u periodu 04.-12.10.2016. u Novom Sadu, Srbija




Informacije o trening kursu:

The training course: „Increasing quality of inclusion and employability international youth projects“ will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia in October 2016.

Training course will take place in Serbia (Novi Sad) from 4th of October (arrival in the morning and early afternoon) till 12th of October (departure in the morning after the breakfast) 2016.


Focus of the training course (TC) is to empower youth workers for quality youth empowerment in order to combat youth unemployment and exclusion. TC is developed for those willing to organise and improve the quality of inclusion/employability impact in their activities.

This project aims to increase quality of partners’ activities for raising necessary competences of young people with fewer opportunities who were never employed or have recently lost employment. The core activity of the project is 8 days long training course. It will be organised in the youth hostel in Novi Sad, from 4th till 12th October 2016. Project will gather 26 participants from 13 organisations and countries (Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo*, Albania. Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Greece, Romania and Montenegro).


• Reflecting and exchanging opinions about the inclusion/exclusion and unemployment and entrepreneurship of youth with fewer opportunities in different European countries
• Defining our target groups of youth with fewer opportunities and exploring the needs and consequences of socially excluded groups around us, in order to be able to improve situations towards more inclusive society
• Achieving common understanding of different aspects, concepts and values of youth work and/for inclusion
• Discussing and understanding how EU social inclusion/employment policies influence our countries being members of EU or having (potential) candidate status to EU
• Mapping inclusion/employability related issues in our local youth work, but also in our European youth work and within Erasmus+ YiA projects
• Discussing criteria and indicators of quality inclusion/employability/entrepreneurship activities
• Analysing different levels of quality and criteria – influence of (quality) inclusion/employability projects on personal, organisational and communities’ leve
• Developing recommendations for quality criteria and indicators for quality inclusion/employability projects that are further influencing personal competences development, possible behavioural changes and changes in local communities
• Further developing participants’ competences in defining, planning and coordinating quality youth work projects which contribute to youth inclusion/employment
• Introducing the E+-YiA and developing new projects and future European level cooperation among partners with the topic of inclusion and youth employment with the target groups of unemployed youngsters with fewer opportunities

The course is based on the pedagogical understanding of the Council of Europe and the European Commission Partnership Programme and our own experience and expertise in project management and youth work for entrepreneurship, employability skills and inclusion. As the training materials we will use SALTO booklets, T-kits, Compass, and different EU policy/programmes information. The TC will follow the non-formal education approach, principles and methods and will be based on participants’ experience and exchange.

The language of the training course will be English.

Agenda se nalazi na ovom linku.




Rok za apliciranje je 10.08.2016.


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