Projekat “Diversity is Super-City!” će se održati u Sremskim Karlovcima, Srbija, od 02.10.2016. Poziv je otvoren za umjetnike koji su aktivni u područjima teatra, muzike i plesa. Ukoliko želite učestvovati u ovom projektu pažljivo pročitajte informacije u nastavku.


During artistic residency we will work and explore diversity and intercultural dialogue using performance and theatre arts. The project consists of a research on the topic, different theatre workshops, performance and conference. Preparatory phase consists of a research process, and during the implementation the group will be involved in a theatre workshops and performance making. All the work created during the residency will be presented on the last day in the form of performance at the opening of the conference. The main goal is to get to know and examine different regional cultures, what are the similarities and differences between them, and to put this analysis in the form of art.


Call is open for performing artists – theatre, music, dance from: Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Participant has to be with some theater experience. 


Dokument s informacijama


Rok za apliciranje je 07.08.2016.


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