Trening kurs “Social entrepreneurship with/for immigrants, refugees and other marginalised group“ će se održati u Novom Sadu, Srbija, u periodu od 10.12.(dolazak ujutro i rano popodne) do 18.12.(odlazak ujutro nakon doručka, do 11:30) 2016. Pozivamo sve mlade koji ispunjavaju dole navedene uslove da se prijave na ovaj poziv do 28.10.2016.


Od učesnika ovog trening kursa se očekuje aktivno poznavanje engleskog jezika pa su sve informacije u nastavku na engleskom jeziku.

The training course: “Social entrepreneurship with/for immigrants, refugees and other marginalised groups” will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia in December 2016. The training course will take place in Serbia (Novi Sad) from 10th December (arrival in the afternoon) to 18th December (departure in the morning after the breakfast) 2016.

About the training course

Project is developed for youth workers willing to act as multipliers and further develop (social) entrepreneurship skills of youngsters in communities and support establishment of different social enterprises by, with and for immigrants, refugees and other youth with
fewer opportunities.

The core activity of the project is – 8 days long training course. It will be organised in the youth hostel in Novi Sad, from 10th till 18th December 2016. Project will gather 33 participants, trainers and staff from 13 organisations and countries (Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, FYR Macedonia, Slovakia, Turkey, Albania and Montenegro).


• To share realities and experiences with discrimination, exclusion and marginalization of different groups (including migrants and refugees) in different European communities/countries
• To explore and promote intercultural acceptance of diversity and respect of Fundamental/Human Rights in Europe
• To share the existing ones and inspire ideas for new creative and innovative social enterprises with/for immigrants, refugees and other marginalised groups
• To explore social entrepreneurship concepts, stakeholders and supporters
• To explore links between social entrepreneurship and inclusion (connected to inclusion themes of social entrepreneurships and/or social entrepreneurs being youngsters with fewer opportunities)
• To explore skills of social entrepreneurs and reflect on own competences for social entrepreneurship
• To inspire and encourage youth workers to act as social change agents in their local community
• To introduce appreciative inquiry (instead of problem solving) as a way to approach the local reality and initiate new ideas
• Further developing participants’ competences in defining, planning and coordinating quality youth work projects which contribute to inclusion & social entrepreneurship in communities
• Reminding of the E+-YiA and developing new projects and future European level cooperation among partners with the topic of social entrepreneurship with/for immigrants, refugees and other marginalised groups.



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