The project ”Young Women Entrepreneurs” consists of two activities. First one is the training course (TC) „Young Women Entrepreneurship Empowerment Centres“, and will be held in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 2017. Second one is the evaluation meeting (EM) „Impact of entrepreneurial learning of young women in our empowerment centres“ in Zadar, Croatia in September 2017. Deadline for applications is 25.01.2017.


The project ”Young Women Entrepreneurs” consists of two activities. First one is the training course (TC) „Young Women Entrepreneurship Empowerment Centres“, and will be held in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 2017. The TC will take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar) from March 14th (arrival in the afternoon) to March 22nd (departure in the morning after the breakfast) 2017.

Second one is the evaluation meeting (EM) „Impact of entrepreneurial learning of young women in our empowerment centres“ in Zadar, Croatia in September 2017. The EM will take place in Croatia (Zadar) from September 27th (arrival in the afternoon) to October 3rd (departure in the morning after the breakfast).

In order to know how many participants per organisation and/or country are we expecting, here is the list of organisations and number of participants expected from each organisation:

– NGO YP, Bosnia and Herzegovina (3 participants expected)
– Realization, Croatia (3 participants expected)
– CNELL, Serbia (3 participants expected)
– AfS, Albania (3 participants expected)
– CID, FYR Macedonia (3 participants expected)
– ARCI Strauss, Italy (3 participants expected)
– ADEL, Slovakia (3 participants expected)
– Nefiks, Slovenia (3 participants expected)
– SOS, Montenegro (3 participants expected)


To apply, please fill in the application form on following link.

You can find more information about project in documents below:

1. Call for participants

2. Program of Training Course

3. Program of Evaluation Meeting


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