Through the project “Balcantic Youthwork” which was held in the period from 17 to 24 April 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia, we collaborated between the Baltic and Balkan countries (Estonia, Croatia, Macedonia, Latvia and Lithuania) in the field of youth work. Training was led by NGOs Youth Power and Association Realization.
These two regions are very specific because they are so similar but so different in many aspects. Despite being geographically separate, they share a similar economic and political situation. This course was a chance for young workers to share tools, good practice and different experiences from everyday work, as well as to familiarize themselves with the rules and policies in other countries. This project was funded by Erasmus + and the Estonian National Agency.
The objectives of the project were: exchange of good practices and methods between partner organizations involved in the project and their networking, strengthening of cooperation and exchange of knowledge between partner organizations involved in the project, introduction of theater methods and their use in everyday work with young people, introduction of informal learning methods and the promotion of Erasmus + and the improvement of “peer to peer” education and training of organizations to use knowledge and techniques in the activities they carry out in their local communities.
Young people had the opportunity to talk more about their work with youth in their countries for a 8-day course. They learned new theatrical techniques, discussed about “peer to peer” education and prepared new project ideas at the end of the project and developed new partnerships in training.