Non-governmental organization Youth Power organized another training for peer educators from eight high schools from our county in the period from 24.10. until 26.10.2018. years. Three-day training took place in the premises of the Mostar Cultural Center, where high school students gained additional knowledge and skills to educate their peers on issues of violence and violence prevention.

In this training, the training of peer educators was intensifying, because from this year they will begin to carry out workshops on violence and promoting healthier lifestyles in their schools. During the second round of training, educators prepared five new educational workshops to be implemented during this school year.

Young men and women have had the opportunity to learn what peer education is, what are their positive and negative sides. They have knowledge of what the Youth Program is (a model for peer-based workshops) and have learned about the skills of public performances that are needed for successful performing workshops in schools.

On the second and third day of the training, the educators had the opportunity to design and make the workshop themselves and to hold it in front of other educators with the help of a coach.

This activity is implemented as part of the project “Promoting healthier lifestyles among youth in BiH by challenging gender stereotypes”. This project is supported by the Swiss Government and the OAK Foundation and is implemented with the support of CARE International, Balkans.