Carousel 8, together with Youth Power, has organized Erasmus+ training course “How to design a learning experience” in Zadar in period from September 13th and September 20th where twenty-five participants from Croatia, Serbia, Germany and Sweden gathered to raise their knowledge and skills level in the field of youth work and non-formal education, exploring step by step how to develop an educational activity.

The main goal of this training course was to support the participating youth workers and educational trainers in developing their competences as youth trainers/educators/providers of non-formal education in delivering training for other staff of the youth centres and youth organisations, youth workers, youth leaders and youngsters peer educators on developing successful learning activities for youngsters. 

10-day long training course started with basic facts about youth work and YouthPass and later we moved on developing educational activities that included target groups, objectives and methods and techniques of work in non-formal youth education. For the last couple of days participants were divided in the groups and they had a task to create their own workshops using the knowledge that they acquired in the last 10 days. The last day was kept for YouthPass ceremony and conversation about the whole programme and beautiful moments that they experienced during this training course.


Objectives of the training course were:

  • To enhance cooperation between our youth workers and organizations
  • To explore what is learning and the different types of learning
  • To explore the experiential learning cycle 
  • To explore and discuss different approaches to learning activities of our partner organisations
  • To explore how to assess the needs of the target group
  • To explore how to set objectives of the educational activity 
  • To explore different methods and techniques of work in non-formal youth education
  • To explore and learn about basic elements of the educational activity
  • To explore debriefing and discussion parts of the learning activity
  • To explore principles of participatory learning activities and how to follow them
  • To explore and discuss how to deal with challenges during the implementation of educational activity
  • To practise developing and implementing educational activity
  • To explore the Youthpass certificate and frame of 8 key competences

This activity is implemented within the „Learning in Youth Work of 21st Century” project where Youth Power, together with partner organizations Carousel 8 and Institut za razvoj civilnog društva, is the main facilitator and coordinator for all activities. This project is founded by European Union under Erasmus+ programme.