Name of the project: The wind of peace
Duration of the project : 10 months
Volunteer: Can Acet
Project „Vjetar Mira“ in period of 10 months includes writing reports, paperwork, account logs, writing projects, developing project ideas, writing reports for the media, blogging, organizing events, promoting events in the media and social networks, helping project staff in implementing project activities, organizing workshops and trainings, writing reports of educational events and training, created and conducted campaigns, promoted and managed social networking profiles, developed skills and knowledge during internal training, created photos and videos to promote organization and events organized within project activities conducted by the organization, organized and carried out various events and activities within the organization activities, cleaned and maintained the rooms in which they live and work and perform other activities that their mentor has given them.
Activity of volunteer:
The project consists of one program that is 10 months of EVS. The purpose of EVS is to educate already active youth workers from local communities on the following topics: improving youth work in local communities, using a new methodology of youth work, new tools for youth work, and improving local self-government co-operation and recognizing youth work as an important aspect of civil society. Some parts will address EU membership, EU youth work policy, and fundraising activities and the organization of those activities in the local community.
EVS will have different methodologies and their correct use for different topics and workshops that can be seen in the schedule of activities.