The seventh edition of MasterPeace’s global bootcamp this year was held in Medellin, Colombia, from 06 to 13 October. The event brought together 45 international leaders from 32 countries, including Uganda, Germany, India, Poland, Romania, Egypt, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are working on peacebuilding in their countries.

For the first time, this global event was held in South America and served as an excellent opportunity to share the experience, knowledge and skills of the leaders of MasterPeace clubs around the world. Medellin was chosen as a bootcamp, due to the brilliant history of the transformation that was inspired by the quest for peace. The event focused on sharing experiences, interactive workshops, opportunities for dialogue, and dynamic and creative sessions with local and international partners.

During the five business days of the event, the participants met Medellin, Medellin history, as well as the entire Columbia, and learned more about how the city and the whole country managed to deal with the problem of armed conflicts of the narco cartel. Participants shared their experiences of working in local communities, such as experiences in launching various forms of social entrepreneurship, establishing international co-operation and finding grants to fund activities.

Our organization had the opportunity to present experiences from working with young people to promote peace and understanding and prevention of violence during this event. We have put special emphasis on the presentation of the sustainability of our programs and the activities that we implement at local and international level through various forms of empowerment and education of key stakeholders in local communities.