One day info session for youngsters was organized as part of field work activities on KA2 Erasmus+ project „One Step Ahead“, which is financed by European Commission. Organizer and hosting organization was our office in Sweden, which is partner organization on this project. Info session took place in Gothenburg, Sweden on 24th of July 2019.
Info session was organized in order introduce young people with the general concepts of social entrepreneurship. Target group of this info sessions were mostly young people that have no previous experience in this topic, but have strong will and motivation to learn something new and maybe in the future get idea to get self-employed or create their own enterprise. If we analyze deeply general profile of participants, they were mostly women and students from local universities that would like to learn something new about topic of (social) entrepreneurship generally.
During the info session, youngsters were firstly introduced what is entrepreneurship and what is social entrepreneurship and what are their main differences and similarities. Also analyse legal framework for creation of (social) enterprises. Afterwards, participants got a chance to do their own short researches and find real-life examples of (social) entrepreneurship in Sweden, and think about what positive practices they could take from them if and when they decide to create their own ideas.
In the second part of the session, participants were introduced with the most important entrepreneurial skills, and useful advice on how they can gain or improve them. In the last part, special accent was put on creative and critical thinking skills of participants, but also they learned useful things such as how to create and develop business plan and basics of project management.
After the info session two day workshops were held on the 25th and 26th of July 2019. Target groups of workshop were young people and volunteers that have been already active in their local communities, and that have idea or motivation for creation of their own social enterprises. 10 youngsters participated in the workshops.