Digital Technology Entrepreneurship

Summary: Digital Technology Entrepreneurship is an international project that aims to “equip” youth workers with set of ICT skills needed to work on personal development in fields of creating self-employment opportunities and digital entrepreneurship. Despite today’s youth being the...

Escape from Marginalisation

Project duration: 1.12.2019. – 30.11.2020. Project reference: 2019-2-IT03-KA205-016467 Grant amount: 59.955,00 € Donor: Erasmus+ Italian NA Summary: Most of the today approach of youth workers in establishing a contact with youngsters many times is ineffective because the methodologies to...

One step ahead

Project title: One step ahead Grant amount: 90.897,20 € One Step Ahead is a cross-national initiative designed to promote social entrepreneurship as a way for empowering youth at risk. Our aim is to increase professional capacities of participating NGOs...

Youth Art Movement

PROJECT NAME: “Youth Art Movement” AMOUNT OF GRANT: 37.900,00 EUROS Project background and project ideas come from young volunteers. The volunteers who came to the idea of ​​this project were part of the TC and talked together with other...