- Project: Critical thinking and participation as a foundation of democracy in Europe
- Project duration: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023
- Project reference: 101051999 — CRITIDE — ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-CB
- Grant amount: 286.330,00 €
- Donor: European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Passive attitude of young people to participate in democratic activities and processes, lack of skills and knowledge of youth workers on how to equip young people with skills and knowledge needed for critical approach to the democracy and media literacy connected to the democratic processes, lack of trust of young people in democracy and democratic values (especially visible in the Western Balkan region) are the main reasons behind the work of partners in developing and creating CritiDe. Based on the needs assessment, research and publications from all partner countries, the proposal is focused on raising the level of political and media literacy of young people, learning about democracy, rule of law and values, and exploring how to become active citizens, having in mind not only elections but also a wider set of actions: campaigning, demonstrating, volunteering, engaging in political parties or NGOs.
CritiDe as a project aims to raise capacities of participating organisations and their local partners, as well as youth workers; in the fields of critical thinking and activism of young people in democratic processes and development of media literacy skills. This will be achieved through development and delivery of educational trainings for youth workers and development of educational handbooks and workshops. As a cherry on the top, educational platform containing developed practical handbooks and online learning course on how to use and adapt materials to specific needs of local communities and work of youth workers/educators/professors; will be developed. Platform will further provide opportunities to contact local organisations as a focal points and resource centres.