• Project: KA151-YOU – Accredited projects for youth mobility – Round 1
  • Project duration: 01.08.2021. – 30.10.2022.
  • Project reference: 2021-1-DE04-KA151-YOU-000009000
  • Grant amount: 248.185,00€
  • Donor: JUGEND für Europa, Erasmus+ German NA

The following is the list of our objectives and your estimated yearly activity targets:

Objective 1 : Our youngsters face fear and instability in their daily life. As they don’t have adequate parental care and/or have immigrant status, they miss the family support system which is essential for youth reaching adulthood. In order to support our youngsters facing these challenges it is crucial that we provide them with opportunities for self-improvement and life-long learning. This objective is in line with the needs of these youngsters in their development as active citizens.

Objective 2 : Facing challenges on a daily basis, the mental health of our youngsters is threatened. They are under stress about their future and some of them also face discrimination. Mental health issues have become even more obvious in Covid-19 crisis. Young people feel more estranged and have issues with anxiety and depression. Daily stress can seriously impact mental and physical health so it is important to deal with this issue and provide youngsters and our youth workers with support and practical tools for achieving mental health. In order to acquire a healthy daily routine focused on self-improvement beside mental it is also important that our youngsters and youth workers do some physical activities. Regular physical activity is beneficial for our health and is an important part of our healthy daily routine.

Objective 3 : Our youngsters don’t have many opportunities or resources to explore all of their interests. It is important that we support them in exploring their interests and also mentor them in becoming active citizens. They have their individual point of view on the society and local community they are living in, so we should listen to them and their ideas more, as youth is a great source of creativity and energy. When youth have the opportunity to explore their interests and develop their ideas, their self-esteem increases, which is important for our youngsters as they are fighting with low selfesteem.

Objective 4 : Some of our youngsters face discrimination because of their economic status, and/or their immigrant background, and/or their sexual orientation. It is important to have counceling sessions with disciminated youth and provide them with support in fighting discrimination. It is also important for our youth workers to constantly work on their competences so they can be adequately prepared and educated to work on these topics. Our youngsters are also interested in the topics of human and LGBT rights. They also recognised the need to work more on promotion of human and LGBT rights on social media, as a way to fight discrimination and raise visibility for youth fighting with their sexual identity.

Objective 5 : Berlin is a multicultural city with a constant influx of new citizens from different backgrounds. As some of our youngsters are discriminated against it is important that we promote values of tolerance and acceptance in our daily work in our local community. For our youngsters it is important to learn about each other’s cultures, including similarities and differences, and how they affect their daily lives. Learning about each other’s cultures through NFE gives us an opportunity to better understand and connect to each other, and it scratches beneath the surface of our visible culture.

Objective 6 : Our youngsters need to work on developing their personal and professional skills. Volunteering can help youngsters to make friends, learn new skills, advance their career, and has a positive impact on their mental and physical health. Also volunteering is a great learning opportunity for developing soft skills like leadership, communication, teamwork and problem solving. Volunteering is also a great tool for developing our citizenship competences, as it teaches us how to work on existing issues in our community through volunteering.

Objective 7 : Formal approach to learning and education is not the best solution for learning different sets of skills and knowledge needed in everyday life or in specific types of work. Theoretical definitions need to be accompanied by practical examples and exercises. Non-formal learning tends to improve the level of participation of young people in our activities, while using the LifeLong Learning approach we work directly on developing individual’s skills and knowledge to be later used for finding employment opportunities and developing their self-esteem. As in our local and international youth work we use principles and values of non-formal education, it is important to stay up to date with news and improvements in the field. Our youth workers are active and are participating in the local, national and international seminars, workshops and training courses and they want to stay active. It is important to learn from other actors in the field and also contribute to innovation and development.

Objective 8 : It is important that our youngsters connect with youngsters from other countries, to share and learn from them and be aware how many similarities they have. For instance they share similar obstacles in their life and are interested in similar topics. Young people have the need to explore the world, meet new people and understand how people live in other countries. In order to explore all that, E+ offers great opportunities. As already explained before our youth workers and our organisation has the need to constantly improve and one of the ways we can pursue this goal is through partnerships with other EU and international youth organisations. Learning from other youth workers and developing common international activities and transferring those knowledge and skills to our local communities is a valuable opportunity for our youth workers and our organisation.

Objective 9 : As our youngsters belong to the youth with fewer opportunities they are in risk of long term unemployment. They miss crucial soft skills that are needed to successfully enter the labour market. They want to work on their professional development and use the NFE to raise their employability skills. They also have plenty of business ideas but lack education or opportunity to develop them. For this reason we want to provide them with opportunity for entrepreneurial education.

Objective 10 : Youngsters need to have education in media and digital literacy as they spend a lot of time online and are not aware of all the negative impacts of online media. Also through media and digital literacy youngsters can fight online discrimination and hate speech. Also, with the raise of fake news it is important to acquire digital literacy.