• Project: Learning in Youth Work of 21st century
  • Project duration: 01.02.2022 – 01.02.2024
  • Project reference: 2021-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000029101
  • Grant amount: 233.655,00 €
  • Donor: JUGEND für Europa, Erasmus+ German NA


Learning in Youth Work of 21st century, as an initiative developed by consortium covering areas of Germany, Balkan region and Scandinavia region, plans to achieve following objectives:

  • Bring positive and long-lasting effects on participating organisations and sector of youth work by enhancing knowledge management with new innovative resources for development of educational activities within youth work and training models/curricula in order to provide quality youth work educational activities that will address needs of each specific target group.
  • Support youth workers and educational trainers in acquiring and developing key competences as youth trainers (of other youth workers) in the field of developing and using e-learning materials and online courses in youth work; and marketing strategies and tools for higher involvement and promotion of activities for youth.
  • Engage into intensive dissemination and exploitation activities of existing and newly produced products and attract more youth organisations and youth workers on using the new innovative tools and approaches, and thus increase quality and quantity of educational youth work activities.

Main project activities can be categorised into following sections:

  • Transnational meetings (2 meetings; 1 preparatory and 1 evaluation meeting)
  • Development of educational materials and online learning courses (3 manuals and 3 online learning courses)
  • Educational trainings for youth workers, based on the developed educational materials (3 trainings throughout the project implementation)
  • Follow-up activities and piloting of developed materials in 4 countries / local communities where partner organisations are based – 4 national conferences (Sweden, Germany, Croatia and Serbia) in format of 1 day multiplier events; for sharing developed materials and results of activities.