Project duration: 1.4.2020. – 30.7.2021.
Project reference: 2019-3-SE02-KA105-002616
Grant amount: 20.700,00€
Donor: MUCF, Erasmus+ Swedish NA
“Peer-to-peer youth work connections” is the project that aims to improve cooperation between different partner organisations and countries in working with NEET youngsters. Through implementation of the project activities we want to build and increase internal capacities of partner organisations when it comes to providing youth work activities for NEET youngsters, but also developing of their own peer-to-peer networks that will stay active even after end of this particular project. We will put a special accent on development of soft skills of NEET youngsters and helping them to become more active and valuable on the labor market. General problems that all partner organisations involved in the project noticed is lack of skills and competences of their staff and youth workers in regular daily work with NEET youngsters, lack of innovative and creative methods in working on development of soft skills important for employability of NEET youngsters and not enough developed networks for partnership on both local and international level when it comes to topic of working with NEET young people. Finally, through preparation of this application proposal, we realized that general position in society and understanding of needs is different from country to country.
These problems we will try to influence through objectives of the project :
1.) Strengthening of cooperation between all partner organisations involved in this project – this means mostly cooperation on future international projects connected with NEET youngsters, but also other topics or social problems that are considered as priority in different local communities
2.) Introduction of non-formal learning methods and general promotion of Erasmus+ programme – motivating partner organisations and youth workers to share new tools and methods to each other, and also to discover all opportunities which are given through Erasmus+ so that similar projects in the future can be implemented and developed
3.) Discussing and understanding basic principles of inclusion, intercultural learning and dialogue – we are planning to ensure this through workshops and activities during different stages of project activities
4.) Introduction of peer-to-peer method and building capacities of partner organisations to work with it – this involve making groups of peer educators who will be in charge of work with NEET youngsters and all other things connected to their control and improvement
5.) Introduction of innovative methods for improvement of soft skills of NEET youngsters – it includes different workshops that will be implemented during the training course where youth workers will learn how to work on improvement of skills of NEET youngsters that are important for their better position on labor market.