O2 Guidebook with Curriculum “Using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills” is innovative resource for trainers/coordinators to educate, support and mentor adult educators (current and future ones) to further develop (online and offline) organisational culture, mentoring and education/workshops/courses for unemployed citizens and beneficiaries in our communities on the topic of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship.
It is comprised of 2 parts- First, shorter part, is covering the concepts and recommendations related to the relevant competences and adult NFE principles of adult educators for working with such beneficiaries and on the topic of “using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills”. The second part is the curriculum, created as a quality – innovative training model. It has 15 practical activities which are easy to multiply. This Guidebook with curriculum “Using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills” enhances the existing adult NFE education training models and curricula for entrepreneurship with mind-set, creativity and innovation elements.
This Curriculum, even though is about entrepreneurship, is not focused around typical topics of development of business plan and similar. Instead, it reflects the latest developments in the field of entrepreneurship and focuses on creativity and innovation, as the important aspects of successful enterprises nowadays.
The Curriculum is useful tool for all interested educators and serves as a quality improvement of knowledge management in education organisations, as it allows for easy and quality multiplication of knowledge and practices described and for future education and empowerment of adult educators interested in organising/doing creativity/innovation entrepreneurship education of citizens (mainstream and with fewer opportunities) in our communities.
This Curriculum is comprised of the training curricula for educators, consisting of following elements/topics and respective session outlines with useful resources:
o Welcome evening
o Introduction and Group building
o Sharing realities on (un)employment situation and Creativity building programmes existing for citizens’ entrepreneurship
o Entrepreneurial mind-set and creativity
o Development of innovation and Creativity skills
o Creative problem solving and innovative thinking methods I and II
▪ Storyboarding
▪ MindMapping
▪ GroupSketching ▪ WordBanking
▪ S.C.A.M.P.E.R.
▪ S.W.O.T.Analysis ▪ SixThinkingHats ▪ ZeroDraft
▪ BrainNetting
▪ QuestioningAssumptions ▪ Wishing
▪ Alter-Egos/Heroes
▪ ForcedConnections
▪ ReverseBrainstorming
▪ Brain-Writing.
o Methodology of Improvisational Theatre
o Methodology of Graphic Recording and Graphic facilitation
o Methodology of Gamification I and II
o Methodology of Adventure Rooms
o Entrepreneurial mind-set development adult education programmes in our communities –
Creativity and Innovation skills
o Presenting the workshops, Feedback, Consultations and further resources o Evaluation and Closure of the Training course
The O2 Guidebook with Curriculum “Using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills” is produced in English and translated into German, Serbian, Swedish and Croatian languages.