The handbook “Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education” is the first intellectual outcome developed within the project “Creativity and innovation in adult education for development of entrepreneurial mind-set of citizens with fewer opportunities”. It is an innovative publication with relevant topics useful for development of entrepreneurial mind-set of the project’s main target group – unemployed citizens with fewer opportunities background. The handbook brings all up-to-date findings and descriptions of different core domains, characteristics, behaviours and skills (intrapersonal, interpersonal and creativity) that together form an entrepreneurial mind-set and drive action. The handbook also serves as theoretical and conceptual resource for adult educators when organising further education, training and mentoring of citizens in changing their mind-sets and inspiring them to recognize an otherwise overlooked opportunity, develop the confidence to take a risk, communicate their ideas clearly, and to be able to adjust to and learn from setbacks; in line with the latest developments in new era entrepreneurship.
The innovative character of the proposed Handbook “Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education” is that it is a unique all-in-one guide that was developed in cooperation with highly profiled experts in the field of entrepreneurship (from our associated partners in the project, adult education centres/institutions, the entrepreneurial companies, organisations and hubs) together with the expert entrepreneurship educators and adult educators and psychologists (all experienced in NFE and adult education for entrepreneurship) from our organisations. Thus, the Handbook covers all important and necessary topics and will approach them from different angles, thanks to the involvement of experts from different professional, adult education and entrepreneurship backgrounds. As this kind of an all-encompassing publication on Entrepreneurial mind-set doesn’t exist yet, our project and O1 Handbook has the important innovative aspect needed.
The Handbook consists of several main sections and chapters. It opens up with the chapter about the non-formal education and adult education as a way of rising competences of citizens / adult learners. It is followed by the chapter about entrepreneurial learning as a way to enrich adult education and it includes theoretical framework of entrepreneurial learning, its models and why it is important for adult education. The next section is about the new era entrepreneurship and the consequences it has on educators who work with adult learners. The next chapter gives insights into entrepreneurial intelligence and its main characteristics as well as successful case studies. How to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set in adult education is in focus of the next chapter which gives more insights into what we mean by entrepreneurial mind-set development, methodology for its teaching / training, as well as successful case studies. The chapter on intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, learning and intelligence follows next, after which chapters about entrepreneurial mind-set development programmes with focus on both intrapersonal and interpersonal skill separately. Finally, the last chapter of the Handbook talks about the importance of creativity and innovation competences within the entrepreneurship mind-set development supported by methodology for teaching / training creativity and innovation competences of entrepreneurship mind-set.