Declaration from Delhi Men and boys for Gender Equality
We live in the world full of inequalities and unequal relations of power, where rigid norms and values on how people should behave are encouraging and exacerbating injustice. We have to change it. That is why more than 1,200 activists / experts from 94 countries with a wide range of organizational knowledge gathered at the […]
CARE Balkan Gender Report (2012)
´I am proud that I dared´, said a girl who had participated in one of CARE’s projects in the Balkans. Similar sentiments and perspectives, conveying a sense of strength and defiance of the odds, have been used by many of our partners and participants across the Balkan region, while talking to us about their personal and professional growth and […]
2015 Social Media Case Study
CARE International Balkans has garnered a reputation for its work on youth development, gender equality, gender-based violence, women’s empowerment and community mobilization. In 2006-2014, it undertook a bold initiative to engage young men (aged 15-19) in addressing violence and the harmful practices of masculinity in close collaboration with local partner organizations.
YWFDAEF project – final content report
Project “YOUTH WORK FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES AND EUROPEAN FUTURE” aimed at broadening knowledge of youth workers from different countries; those who are old European Union members, those who are new members and those who are not members but they will become part of EU in close future by prediction of their leaders and EU representatives. Youth workers are […]